Toha Mahsun, 58 Diabetic 085335513307
In November 2020 I had a foot stepping on a small nail. As the wound appeared small, I did not paid much attention to it and continued my normal work. Two days later, significant pain was felt along with swelling, and it turned out that the wound had been somewhat infected with puss in it. Still, I had not treated it for another 5 days. As time passed, the swelling on my foot worsen, and chills and fever started to creep in. After finally getting it checked, the doctor suggested immediate surgery to remove the pus concern with sepsis. After surgery the wound would not heal completely and pain was still present. It turned out that the delayed healing was because I was suffering from diabetes. In early March 2021, I decided to try out a herbal medicine for Diabetes, Nutrigold D, manufactured by PT. Daun Teratai. I consume Nutrigold D at a dose of 3x3 a day and the wound began to heal gradually, the skin of the wound began to grow and soon began to dry. My blood sugar that had previously reached 470 mg/dl, and upon the medication with Nutrigold, my blood sugar level slowly starts to go down to normal.