Sumarno, 46 Diabetic 081247482366
In mid-2020 I had a motorcycle accident on the way home from work and wounded my left leg.I did not take it as a big deal and applied some medicinal ointment as normal. As time went on, about 3 (three) months after the accident, I noticed an abnormal recovery on the wound where red bumps and puss started to appears around the scar, and worse of all the bumps started to grow bigger. Soon after, the bumps had grown into a lump and ruptured reopening a wet wounds from then on, the wound would not heal and the skin around it started to peel off developing into an even larger wound. Concern and worried about the wound, I visited the doctor a medical examination and treatment, a blood test was recorded as doctors were suspicious of an infection but the results revealed my blood sugar level reached 537mg/dl, and ultimately was diagnosed with Diabetes. This was a shock to me because I did not feel any symptoms apart from the wet wound. I could not believe the diagnosis and my mental state began to deteriorate. One day I accidentally saw a friend's post (Mr. Kardiono) in one of the media social media about a herbal medicine from PT Daun Teratai, specifically Nutrigold D, a herbal treatment for diabetes. I contacted Mr. Kardiono in hopes to find more information about Nutrigold. Not long after I was convinced and I decided to try out the herbal treatment. This was in November 2020. In about 2 months time, my blood sugar test results had decreased to 253 mg/dL and the wound on the leg slowly recovered. Subsequently, on in February 2021 I did another blood sugar level laboratory test which revealed to be at 235mg/dL. As the wound starts to heal, so did my spirit. Up to the time of writing this journal, I am still in the middle of medication with Nutrigold D and is progressing positively. Lastly, dietary restrictions and recommended provided by Daun Teratai’s doctors is of great help.