Siti Djuwariah Breast Cancer
August 1998, I was diagnosed with stage IIB breast cancer (There was spreading from the primary tumour to areas around it). I had surgery and continued with chemotherapy but the side effects were excruciating such as nausea, loss of appetite, heavy hair loss, and loss of organ function. I realised surgery and chemotherapy are not a guaranteed cure. Finally, I consumed Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao by PT Daun Teratai regularly and routinely according to the recommended dosage. Within months after undergoing herbal therapy, the results of mammography, ultrasound and CA 15-3 cancer/tumor markers, X-rays, etc; I was revealed that I am free from malignant cancer. The overall examination results were very good. Despite my recovery, I still take the herbal medicine up to this day as a means of cancer prevention. Every year I routinely do a complete Check Up where the results continuously gets better from year to year. I am grateful that can return to my daily activities as a paramedic.