Siti Aminah, 63 Cervical Cancer (0771) 462600 / 08127772755
In June 2003 I had very heavy blood flow during my periods and I immediately went to check with the local midwife. The midwife said maybe I am inching closer to menopause. The midwife also gave me medicine to relief my symptoms but there were no results. I then went to checked with the obstetrician. Based on the doctor's examination and laboratory results, I was diagnosed with stage 2B cervical cancer.
Doctors suggested for me to take 5 chemotherapy sessions and 27 radiotherapy sessions, but had very little to no effect towards my cancer.
In a state of confusion and helplessness, I came across information about herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao from my sister, I decided to try the herbal treatment for its comprehensive testings that showed high potential in mitigating cancer.
6 months of herbal therapy, I went back to the doctors to have my medical checkup and the results revealed that the malignant tumor was no longer visible. To this day I still take Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao as a preventative measure. I am grateful with herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao and PT Daun Teratai, I survived from the Stage IIB Cervical Cancer.