Ooh Jutiah, 70 Cervical Cancer (0232) 871823 / 087725550930
In September 2001 I experienced a blood flow that was outside of my menstruation schedule. Feeling concern, I checked with the doctors and the initial suspicions was pre-menopausal symptoms, but after given medicine my symptoms persisted. I was advised to see an oncologist.
Upon medical examination, I was diagnosed with stage IIIB cervical cancer. Finally I was referred to the hospital to undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but the side effects of these treatments were too much to handle; concerning weight loss, appetite lost, insomnia and so forth. At that time, a relative suggested trying medication alternative to using herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao. I immediately searched for information on the medicine and decided to try the herbal therapy as an alternative. After consuming it for just 2 weeks I feel by body felt healthier, I continued the consuming the herbal medicine and slowly more positive feedback started to appear namely; return of appetite, weight gain, etc. Imperceptibly 9 years have passed and non of my symptoms came back. I survived cancer.