Martina Turnip, 53 Uterine Cancer (061) 7345214 / 081361665034
June 2001, I experienced continuous vaginal discharge. This was very disturbing towards my daily activities as a civil servant. In early January 2002 I experienced continuous menstruation with foul smell for almost 1 month. The local midwife advised me to stop birth control pills, but the symptoms persisted.
At the end of January 2002 I had a check up with an obstetrician, based on my pap smear results I was diagnosed with stage IIB Uterine cancer, a malignant tumour the size of a duck's egg. The doctor suggested radiotherapy, but I was afraid my condition would drop, according to personal experience from several colleagues.
Confused and sad, my mother received information from a colleague who had breast cancer and recovered using herbal treatment Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao by PT Daun Teratai. Full of hope I decided try to the herbal medicine because of its comprehensive scientific testings and stopped other medical treatments that were ineffective. Two months later I went back to the doctor for an ultrasound and the doctor revealed that the cancerous lump had shrunk. I felt a surge of hope that i was able to recovery. In September 2003 I did another ultrasound and the results were beyond expectations, the cancerous lump disappeared without a trace. I am forever grateful and to gave my gratitude to God Almighty, because nothing is impossible for in his grace.