Khairani Erlinda (Erlin), 36 Myoma
Symptoms started with an abnormal menstruation cycle, often the duration of my menstruation is sustained for more than a week, lumps of blood clots was discharged along with by pain in the lower abdomen. This incident was in May 2010 and my parents advised me to see a doctor immediately. As the pain and discomfort grew severe, I finally went to the gynaecologist. Ultrasound examination results showed a uterine myoma the size of an egg in my uterus. This is what causes abnormal bleeding during menstruation. Parents also suggest that apart from taking medication to also take alternative medicines or herbal medicines. I was looking for herbal medicine at a Chinese medicine shop and was advised to take the herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao produced by PT Daun Teratai. After taking the medicine, the symptoms began to decrease and when I went back to the doctors, to be precise in January 2011, the myoma in my uterus was no longer visible and said to be completely cured. Futhermore, I am now 2 months pregnant, that was my experience when I was diagnosed with myoma.