Hartini Putrianti (Putri), 48 Myoma 081279580102
Since the beginning of my marriage in 2014 until two years into my marriage, Blessing of a child has not been granted to us. This was because at that time, I was diagnosed with a 15cm Myoma. I truly hope to have children one day and faithfully believe that Allah will one day give me the opportunity to have children. In short, I want to recover from the disease that I suffer. The unbearable pain in the lower right abdomen along with other complains were very disturbing. I was then advised to take the herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao from PT Daun Teratai by my husband's close family. I was scared to have surgery to remove my myoma, therefore I decided to take the herbal medicine regularly for 4 (four) months. Strictly following the recommended dosage; 3x5 capsules a day and maintaining a healthy diet, the myoma shrank significantly. In 2016 I joined the pregnancy program and Alhamdulillah in 2017 I gave birth to my first daughter by Caesarean section. Until now I still continue to take the herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao from PT Daun Teratai to maintain my health.