Ferry Arifin, 46 Intestinal Tumour 08129953555
In the last few years I have often felt pain in my lower abdomen and back. Initially the doctor said that this was probably due to increased stomach acid. But on March 29, 2022, the pain was worsen significantly. The results of the examination at Siloam Hospital, it was found that I had appendicitis and had to be operated on immediately. During the operation, the doctor found mucus in my large intestine. The results of the PA examination turned out to be a suspect for a tumour in the intestine. In search for a cure, I decided to try out the herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao regularly for 3 (three) months at the recommended dosage. I got information about this herbal medicine from my wife who was also a patient of PT Daun Teratai to help cure her condition with PCOS cyst and recovered. Then after 3 (three) months I took this herbal medicine and then I did a colonoscopy, and the results were very good, the tumor and mucus were gone. I am very grateful to Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao. To this day, I still regularly take the herbal medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao produced by PT. Daun Teratai to maintain the health.