Dewi Ariani, 35 Hepatitis 08125744692
In July 2002, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B virus, My SGPT, SGOT values were way above normal, so I had to undergo treatment under the supervision of a doctor for 1 (one) year. However, I did not feel any significant progress, and so the treatment had to be prolonged. Unfortunately, on the second try the treatment still did not show any progress. From the results medical examinations, the virus was still within my system and the measurement is still quite high. Finally, I decided to stopped the medical treatment and started to seek for alternative treatments. This was where I found traditional Chinese medicine company, PT Daun Teratai Herbalife, with products that are supported by thorough scientific testings. I decided to undergo herbal treatment using Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao, one of their signature medicines. The results were truly beyond expectation. After several months of herbal treatment, laboratory tests no longer detected the virus and I was declared free of Hepatitis B. My SPGT-SGOT values returned to normal and the doctor said I had completely recovered, All thanks to the standardised herbal medicine (Obat Herbal Terstandar) Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao.