Bayu Afriandi Rosa Nugraha, 24 Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma 082285791577
Early 2005, when I was 9 years old, I felt a tiny lump on my right upper eyelid. This lump slowly began to grow to a point where it was concerning. after being examined at an eye specialist clinic in Pekanbaru, on the doctor's advice, a small operation had to be carried out to remove the lump. 1 month post operation, the lump came back bigger accompanied with redness and soreness.
My family again referred to the hospital where the initial operation was performed. After further examination, the doctor suggested further treatment at a hospital which had access to more complete equipment since the suspicion was that I have a malignant tumor for which there was no adequate treatment in my hometown. The condition of the lump worsen and I started to feel pain. In the middle of 2005 I was referred to the Malacca Medical Center (MMC) Hospital for further treatment. Upon the numerous medical examination, I was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. and needed advance treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. My family followed the doctor's advice, but my first chemotherapy session, my health condition dropped and was not able to continue chemotherapy due to its harsh side effects, the lump grew larger and began to cover my face, and Karimun Hospital was no longer able to handle it, so it was decided to be referred to RSCM.
Confused and concern, we started looking for alternative treatments from various media and information. Long story short, our family came across information from a Kartini magazine about cancer herbal therapy from PT Daun Teratai, Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao herbal medicine.
While undergoing intensive treatment and along with herbal therapy with Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao, my health began to improve. Even though at first, the doctor who treated me was pessimistic of a cure, thanks to prayers, intensive treatment, and Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao's herbal medicine, the lump began to grow smaller. The benefits of Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao’ was truly felt. I was optimistic that this herbal therapy has high potential to treat stage 4 cancer and until now I am able to do my activities as normal. My last check up revealed that I had recovered 100% even though my right eyelid and vision had to be taken away from me.