Bangkit Buntoro, 94 Prostate Cancer (021) 8296414 / 08128879776
Symptoms began when I had trouble urinating, incomplete urination and a burning sensation around the bladder. In August 2005 I went to a urologist and upon medical examination the results revealed that I was diagnosed with Malignant Prostate Cancer with a PSA of 97.76 ng/ml (Normal < 4 ng/ml). The doctor suggested surgery to remove the prostate. I did not immediately take the doctor's advice because I was afraid of the side effects and potential complications. In the midst of despair, I got information about Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao produced by PT Daun Teratai Bandung. Due to thorough scientific testing, I was convinced and I decided to take the herbal medicine without taking any other medicine. After several months of consumption, I did a clinical laboratory examination in Jakarta, and the results showed that the PSA had dropped to 14.87 ng/ ml. This made me more confident and motivated to continue this herbal therapy. To further ensure my health condition, I did another examination at the National Cancer Center – Singapore and was found that the PSA level dropped to 0.7 ng/ml and I was declared free from prostate cancer without having to have surgery. As a form of gratitude, I want to share this experience with other cancer fighters and survivors.