Yanuar Adhi Nugroho, 45 Colon Cancer (0771) 483571 / 08127795859
For almost 4 consecutive months, I experienced excruciating abdominal pain and blood in stool. After several medical checkups in Mahkota Medical Centre - Malaka, doctors suggested to undergo Endoscopy. Medical results revealed that I was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer. I decided to take the doctor’s advice and went through surgery. after Post surgery my symptoms persisted and my CEA (tumor marker) was still at a high 26 ng/ml (Normal: 0 to 2.5 ng/mL). I realised that surgery was not a guaranteed cure. Out of hope, I began to look for alternative medicine in search for a cure. One day, I stumbled upon PT Daun Teratai Herbalife. I went through herbal treatment medicine Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao. Several months later the symptoms drastically decreased, and was able to continue my daily routine at work.To ensure the results of the therapy I went through another medical examination, and the laboratory results revealed that my CEA had decreased to 2.6 ng/ml. Doctors were astonished with the results and soon after I was declared total recovery from Stage III Colon Cancer .