Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao
Super Adaptogen
300 Capsules
For cancer mitigation and prevention
A super-concentrated formulation of Adaptogenic Chinese herbs engineered to help our bodies manage stress and maintain balance (homeostasis). Adaptogens help us adapt to external stressors by strengthening our internal systems, promoting vitality, and stabilize hormons. To achieve optimal levels of adaptogens, heated extraction is not ideal due to the high temperature causing damage to the vital substances. CSA-300 uses a combination of traditional macretion technique and a more effective modern extraction method called Percolation. This intricate method allows approximitately 60% more saturation of the medicinal qualities extracted from the herbs.
Discover our research behind our products
Laboratory tested and scientifically proven to a high degree
Mechanism of CSA-300

CSA-300 bertindak sebagai agen anti-proliferatif dengan menghambat aktivasi Protein Kinase C (PKC).
Protein kinases C are intracellular enzymes that regulate cell growth and proliferation as well as the triggering and regulation of immune responses. Protein kinases are important therapeutic targets in cancer because of their critical role in signalling mechanisms that drive malignant cell characteristics. By inhibiting the activity of protein kinases, signaling pathways implicated in cancer cell proliferation and survival; thus helping to prevent the growth and division of cancer cells.

COX enzymes function to catalyze arachidonic acid to generate prostaglandin.
COX-1 is vital in maintaining physiological processes in various organs and tissues. However, when inflammation in organs and tissues occurs (such as cancer), the expression of COX-2 is significantly increased. Over-expression of COX leads to the overproduction of prostaglandins which exerts tremendous influence over apoptotic resistance, proliferation, angiogenesis, inflammation, invasion, and metastasis of cancer cells. The presence of COX-2 inhibitor allows for arachidonic acid accumulation. Consequently, this process promotes the activation of the sphingomyelinase enzyme, which catalyzes ceramide formation. Ceramides play a significant regulatory role in apoptosis.

Apoptosis is a programmed cell death or a self-destructing function within the cell cycle.
Ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh adanya protein P53, juga dikenal sebagai ‘gen penekan tumor.’ Di hadapan stresor seluler, P53 aktif dengan kemampuan untuk memicu perbaikan DNA, menghentikan pembelahan sel, dan memulai fungsi penghancuran diri. Sayangnya, program apoptosis pada sel kanker telah terganggu, mengakibatkan pembelahan dan migrasi sel yang tidak terkendali (metastasis). CSA-300 membantu mengaktifkan kembali P53 ke dalam sel tumor yang memungkinkan penghentian siklus sel dan apoptosis.

麥冬 Mài Dōng
Form Japonicus Fr
(Ophiogon Japonicus)
226.8 mg
Exerts its antitumor activity by enhancing the immune response of the body against cancer.

三七 Sān Qī
Pseudo Ginseng Radix
36.1 mg
High adaptogenic componenets that helps reduce stress and anxiety, reduce inflammation, discomfort, and swelling as well as having antitumor activity

川芎 Chuān Xiōng
Ligusticum Wallichii
68.9 mg
Improve blood circulation, natural pain reliever, and inhibit and its mechanism is related to the inhibition of HIF-1 and EMT-related molecule expression.

白朮 Bái Zhú
Atractylodes Macrocephala Rhizoma
18.2 mg
Provide a clinivcally effective natural remedy for the treatment of cancer with active components that promote paclitaxel sensitization.
Stadium 0
Stadium 1

Abnormal cells are present but have not spread to nearby tissue. Also called carcinoma in situ, or CIS. CIS is not cancer, but it may become cancer.
3 x 5
3 x 5 kapsul / Hari
15 Capsules Total
Stadium 2
Stadium 3

Cancer is present. The higher the number, the larger the cancer tumor and the more it has spread into nearby tissues.
3 x 8
3 x 8 kapsul / Hari
24 Capsules Total
Stadium 4

The cancer has spread to distant parts of the body.
3 x 10
3 x 10 kapsul / Hari
30 Capsules Total
Untuk Pencegahan: 3 x 3 kapsul / hari