Our History
Explore our time capsule and discover the ancient knowledge of natural healing and the origin of Daun Teratai.

It all started with a constantly deteriorating health condition of a Chinese Medicine Physician Fāng 方. A small red lump that appear to gradually grow had caused excruciating pain, and soon the pain radiated to the nape of the neck, to the point where Fāng 方 mobility was effected. Upon medical examination, Doctors revealed that lump is a form of malignant tumor or that needed immediate surgery.
As the Doctors urged Fāng 方 to undergo surgery, he heavy-heartedly refused as his financial condition was not sufficient. Fāng 方 physical condition worsen by the day, his weight dropped dramatically from 75 kg to 60 kg. The lumps on the back had spread to other parts of his body, 3 lumps appeared on the lower back and caused excruciating pain. In the midst of dispair, while enduring pain.
Fāng 方 began to look into Chinese medicine as an alternative. He studied stacks of books on Chinese medicine, until finally he found a somewhat viable guide to formulas for tumor medicine.

Fighting for a second chance in life, Fāng 方 took a leap of faith and went to China to obtain medicinal ingredients. Once gathered, Fāng 方 started concocting the elixir. The raw materials are finely ground, then boiled for about 15 minutes, and then the concentration is consumed. Fāng 方 had dedicated everything to his recovery, and for months he consumed the elixir with discipline until eventually, physical condition improved.
While undergoing the newly found herbal therapy, designed by Fāng 方 himself, numerous medically extraordinary incidents occurred. These incidents included starting from the benefits that he felt from the ancient Chinese ingredients, obtaining an elixir that had never been found in Indonesia before, as if it were a blessing and a task bestowed from the Almighty to continue and refine the gift of nature for Indonesia.

As a form of gratitude for the guidance that lead to the discovery of medicinal herbs, Fāng 方 decided to name it "Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao" meaning: (Chang Sheuw) Longevity, (Tian Ran) Natural gift, (Ling Yao) Medicine. "Longevity Medicine, A Gift from Nature"
Acute Toxicity Testing at Gadjah Mada University
Acute Toxicity Test of Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao Capsules in mice
Pharmacology & Toxicology Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 2001. 2001.
Research team:
Dr. Imono Argo Donatus, SU., Apt
Arief Nurrochmad, S.Si., Apt
Arief Rahman Hakim, S.Si., Apt
drh. Retno Murwanti.

Effect of Extract Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao on Benzo[a]Pyrene and Dimethylbenz[a]Anthracene Induced Lung Carcinogenesis in the Initiation and Post Initiation Phases in Mice
Pharmacology & Toxicology Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 2002.
Research team:
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fudholi, D.E.A., Apt
Drs. Edy Meiyanto, M. Si., PHD, Apt
Drh. Retno Murwanati
Ganti Winarno Putra
Andi Eviyanti. T
Muslimat NU Certification
As a herbal medicine to help the process of healing on cancer patients and other chronic diseases in the Muslimat NU environment in particular, and Indonesian society in general

1. The XV Muslimat Nahdlatul 'Ulama Congress and the 60th Birthday (Harlan) Commemoration
2. Indonesian First – Quality and Development Award
3. In Vitro Cytotoxic Study and Detection of Apoptosis through the administration of Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao Capsule Ethanol Extract on Cancer Cells (Cancer Cell Line)
Tissue Culture Laboratory Research and Development Installation, Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, 2006.
Authorized by:
Dr. dr Abidin Widjanarko, SpPD, KHOM
Director of Human Resources and Education,
Dharmais Cancer Hospital

1. Acute Toxicity Test on Nutrigold-D Production of Daun Teratai
Pharmacology & Toxicology Laboratory, Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy Section, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM Yogyakarta, 2007
Research team:
Authorized by:
Dean of the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy, Yogyakarta
Dr, Marchaban, DESS, Apt
Person Responsible:
Head of the Pharmacology & Toxicology Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Yogyakarta
Prof., Lukman Hakim, MSc, PhD, Apt
dr. Nurlaila, MSi, Apt.
Purwantiningsih, MSi, Apt.
2. Acute Toxicity Test on Nutrigold-D Production of Daun Teratai
Pharmacology & Toxicology Laboratory, Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy Section, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM Yogyakarta, 2007
Research team:
Authorized by:
Dean of the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy, Yogyakarta
Dr, Marchaban, DESS, Apt
Person Responsible:
Head of the Pharmacology & Toxicology Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Yogyakarta
Prof., Lukman Hakim, MSc, PhD, Apt
Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Si., Apt
Nunung Yuniarti, S.F., M.Si., Apt

3. Indonesian Women’s Image Foundation Award
4. Indonesian Muslim Award Foundation – Social Care Company of the Year
5. Indonesian Achievement Award Foundation – Indonesian Best Alternative medicine Company of the Year
Anugerah Professional Indonesia Foundation In cooperation with the Asian Professional Achievement Foundation – Indonesia Good Alternative Medical Award

Indonesian Golden Award – First in Herbs Medicine and Pharmacy
Indonesian Professional Award – International Professional Award 2010

Annisa Muslimat NU Cooperative Main Award – In the Context of MUKERNAS INKOPAN 2014 Muslimat NU
Opening of Yayasan Viyana Bhakti Nusantara as an instrument of social care for cancer patients in indonesia